How Much Does It Cost To Own A Shiba Inu?

The Shiba Inu is rapidly becoming one of the most popular dog breeds. A compact, muscular dog weighing 15 to 24 lbs that like to be active. They are loyal and good-natured companions, as well as confident and bold. They love to play and will thrive in a securely fenced yard where they can run but are small enough to live in an apartment if they have plenty of time to play and walk.

The cost to get a purebred Shiba varies widely, partly because they are one of the most expensive breeds around. Despite their high price, the cost to maintain them is similar to other small dogs, so the monthly cost to keep them is relatively small.

The annual cost of keeping a Shiba Inu is between $1,490 and $3,100. This cost obviously depends on several factors, and can be broken down as follows:

CategoryYearly cost
FoodFrom $600 to $750
VetFrom $150 to $300
InsuranceFrom $540 to $860
Toys and accessoriesFrom $100 to $300
Grooming, cleaning, and careFrom $100 to $1000


Most probably the highest expense is food unless you have large unforeseen expenses for the vet. The cost varies depending on the type of food you choose for your dog.

The estimate below considers high-quality food, which is always important for our pet's well-being.

For Shiba Inu, you can choose from two types of diets: kibble-based or a more varied diet.

Typically, the amounts of kibble to be fed are given directly by the manufacturers but typically the daily amount suitable for an adult Shiba Inu, whether kibble or a varied diet, is around 300 grams.

So for an adult, you are going to spend about $2 a day on food, which translates into about $60 a month.

A bowl of dog food
Photo from Pexels


The dog needs at least a couple of veterinary visits a year.

The cost of microchipping which is mandatory is around $50. If you buy a puppy from a professional breeder, chances are high that the dog is already microchipped.

While as for a standard visit, the cost can range from $50 to $250. If x-rays or other special care are needed, the prices go way up.

Vaccines vary in price depending on the age of the dog and the veterinarian himself, who may charge different prices, in any case, they never exceed $70.

Antiparasitics are usually recommended particularly during summer or hot weather, but it is a good idea that the dog is always covered with adequate protection.

Especially in warmer places, where average temperatures remain quite high even in the winter months, antiparasitics are a must.

Other miscellaneous and possible expenses must be factored in: sterilization, illnesses (therapies, medications), accidents, injuries, and whatever else. Even if you wanted to, it would not be possible to make an exhaustive list of what could happen to a dog. Providing for "extra" in your budget is a wise choice.

Let's say that on average the monthly expense for the vet is around $50.


For the owner, one's dog is part of the household. The desire to have pet insurance to protect them is essential because it facilitates access to veterinary expenses and offers full coverage in case of damage to property or persons caused by the dog, for which the owner is civilly liable.

Since the average cost of a dog insurance policy is about $45 per month, it is not the case that you should remain uncovered: compensation to other people or the cost of veterinary interventions can often prove to be much larger.

Although not all medical expenses are covered, in fact, in case of major illnesses or unforeseen accidents, the costs of treatment could be really high, thus risking jeopardizing the animal's health in the face of too high an expense to bear. Taking out a dedicated policy could therefore be the right compromise to protect one's Shiba Inu in the long term with a small monthly outlay, without finding oneself spending impossible and totally unexpected sums.

Among the coverages available are:

  • Animal Health Protection: reimbursement of expenses incurred for surgery from injury, accident, or illness.
  • Third Party Liability Protection: for damage caused by the pet to property or persons.
  • Legal Advice and Protection: to get proper legal advice in case of disputes.

At present, pet insurance is compulsory only upon referral from the veterinarian and only in case the dog, has been the protagonist of biting and aggression incidents or has shown a temper prone to violence. So taking out insurance for your Shiba Inu is not mandatory, but highly recommended.

Accessories and Toys

Miscellaneous costs involve supplies, accessories, and toys that need to be replenished or replaced from time to time.

The most common products for your dog that need to be purchased with some frequency are:

  • Shampoo
  • Leash or collar
  • Doggy bags
  • Training treats
  • Grooming tools (e.g., brushes, nail clippers)
  • First aid supplies, antibacterial cream, etc.
  • Toothbrush, toothpaste

Depending on the quality of toys and accessories can be estimated at about $200 per year.

A Shiba Inu Puppy
Photo from Unsplash

Grooming, cleaning, and care

Dogs molt their coats twice a year: in spring and fall. Thanks to this mechanism, they are able to adapt to the different approaching temperatures, mutating their fur to be lighter or thicker and woolly.

The Shiba Inu possesses an inner layer of undercoat that insulates them even more from the cold in winter. They also have a thin layer of fat in their skin that protects them. In order not to get rid of that layer, you have to be very careful and wash the dog only when it is really dirty.

Otherwise, it is recommended to wipe a damp cloth over the coat, without using soaps or shampoos; doing so will avoid removing the oils needed to protect the inner layers.

The Shiba Inu is a breed that loses a lot of furs. For this reason, during the shedding season, it is necessary to brush its fur several times a week, even daily.

Like all dogs, the Shiba Inu also requires nail and tooth brushing. Veterinarians recommend brushing teeth two or three times a week to prevent gum disease and halitosis.

Nails, on the other hand, should be trimmed once or twice a month to prevent paw injuries.

So costs vary depending on whether dog grooming is done by the owner or by a professional.

In the first case, you save a lot, as the costs to be incurred will be limited to the products and tools needed. A possible estimate is about $150 per year.

In case one chooses to take advantage of the services of a professional then the costs can go up to $1000 per year.

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