How Much Do Shiba Inu Puppies Cost?

If, like me, you are considering the purchase of a Shiba Inu, you have probably wondered how much a puppy costs.

The average cost of a Shiba Inu puppy, in the US, with limited registration from reputable breeders, costs between $1400 and $2200, but it can be up to $3500 for full registration. This price can change a lot depending on several factors. The price depends on the presence or absence of pedigree. Another important factor is the documented history of the puppy's parents. Finally, different breeders offer different prices.

Reputable and ethical breeding is the most important aspect of bringing a new Shiba Inu puppy into your family. Choose a breeder who breeds only Shiba Inu that enjoys excellent health, good temperament, and has good parents.

It is useful to remember that it is always possible to adopt a puppy or an adult dog; this will not only save considerable money but will also give a dog a home by saving it from the stress of kennel life.

Five Shiba Inu Puppies
Photo from Shutterstock

What is a pedigree?

A pedigree is a document that certifies that a dog has been entered into a studbook registry. The pedigree, therefore, certifies that the dog you choose is of that breed but also guarantees that it meets precise standards.

In this document, there are various data about the dog. In fact, we find:

  • Birth data: name, breed, sex, date of birth, color, and microchip
  • Registry number.
  • Genealogy: parents, grandparents, great-grandparents and great-great-grandparents.
  • If there are any winners at beauty contests in the genealogy
  • Owner and breeder's biographical data
  • Any transfers of ownership

The details of the mother, father, and the number of puppies born divided into males and females must be indicated on this document. In case there are dead puppies, this information should also be entered.

What is the pedigree for?

A pedigree is necessary to participate in official dog shows, but in addition to this, perhaps even more important, it guarantees a documented history of the dog and its ancestors. So it is a guarantee of the absence of hereditary diseases. Finally, the presence of the pedigree attests to the breed's membership. For this reason, dogs with pedigrees have a higher cost.

Shiba Inu without pedigree

On Facebook groups, on craigslist and sites alike, and in some stores, it is possible to find Shiba Inu puppies at very attractive prices.

It is not difficult to find puppies even at $600 or $700, which is more than half the price of a pedigreed puppy.

These puppies are usually born in puppy mills. Avoid getting a Shiba Inu puppy online or from puppy stores and backyard breeders.

If you buy a Shiba puppy from an online puppy store, you risk losing money by sending money to an unknown source, but you also encourage this business that exploits puppies to be born in poor conditions.

Puppy farms are run by people who do not care about the dogs they breed but only about the income from puppy sales.

A puppy production business is run like a high-volume factory that aims to churn out as many "goods" as possible while spending the absolute minimum.

Mothers and puppies are generally crammed into tiny cages that are not always cleaned regularly.

Once a mother gives birth, she is immediately forced to mate again, and the torture continues as a vicious cycle.

Although the price of these puppies is significantly lower than a breeder, unfortunately, these are not always bargains.

In fact, more and more often, these are puppies imported from the East. The low price attracts very easily. However, these imported puppies are almost always treated with poor care, poorly fed, and stuffed with drugs to make them look in excellent condition. It also happens that many times they are removed prematurely from their mother. In fact, a puppy can only separate from its mother after 6 to 8 weeks.

The difference between a purebred Shiba Inu and a puppy from a puppy mill
The difference between a purebred Shiba Inu and a puppy from a puppy mill

Then, when the puppy enters the home and the effect of the medications wears off, the animal's true condition becomes apparent. Often several veterinary visits are needed to get the newly acquired dog back on its feet and considering this cost, the price at which this puppy was bought was not a bargain.

Often, you can easily tell whether a Shiba Inu comes from a backyard breeder or a puppy simply by looking at its physical shape.

Shiba puppies from a backyard breeder are usually the wrong size in adulthood: too small, large, thin, etc.

They may be disproportionate features in the head or body.

One of the most appealing physical features of the properly bred Shiba Inu is their striking face, full cheeks, almond-shaped eyes, and proportionate muzzle. Rarely you will see a Shiba puppy that meets all these standards.

Coat colors and urajiro markings may also be substandard.

Shiba Inu coat colors include red, black and tan, sesame, and cream.

In the ring, a cream-colored Shiba is considered a defect, so breeders will never knowingly breed a cream-colored Shiba Inu.

Adopting a Shiba Inu

Adopting a dog is perhaps the best choice; in fact, adoption gives the dog a new life within the family, avoiding the kennel.

However, when adopting a dog, it is difficult to choose the breed, sex, and age. So it is very rare to find a Shiba Inu for adoption.

Finally, it is almost impossible to find a dog to adopt with a pedigree because, as mentioned before, dogs with pedigrees have a higher value.

In any case, if you want to adopt a Shiba Inu, the best way is to know someone who has it and can no longer keep it.

Alternatively, adopt a newborn puppy from a litter, but even this approach still requires knowing a Shiba Inu owner.

The photo of a Shiba Inu
Photo from Unsplash

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